RE: RARA-AVIS: Recent purchases

From: Anderson, Erick (ETW) (
Date: 06 Feb 2002

Bob Toomey wrote (of Solomon's Vineyard):

Great book. International Polygonics, Lt. (IPL) brought out a nice unexpergated edition in 1988... find Latimer's earlier wiseinhimer Bill Crane novels. They're a gas.

IIRC, IPL reprinted all the Bill Crane series. They also have the title "The Search For My Great Uncle's Head," written under Latimer's pseudonym, Peter Coffin.

Does anyone know whether IPL also printed Latimer's later books, "Sinners & Shrouds" and "Black is the Color for Dying" (do I have the titles correct?)

BTW, I've not heard of Crumley. My TBR list gets longer by the day. Bless me, curse me now.

Best Regards, Erick

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