Re: RARA-AVIS: Ellroy versus Cave. Split decision goes to Cave.

From: Rene Ribic (
Date: 04 Feb 2002

Mark said :

. Wasp Factory's copyright is 1984; And the
> Ass Saw the Angel's is 1989.

Oops, wrong again. At any rate, I don't think the similarities are close enough to warrant any sort of accusations & I believe Cave when he says he hadn't read the book at that time - although he has admitted some similarities to "The Wasp Factory" so he's obviously at least aware of it now if he hasn't actually read it.

> I've also got two unread Leonard Cohen books on those shelves,
> Losers and The Favorite Game. Neither looks very hardboiled, though.

No, I wouldn't think they would be either.I was just using Cohen as an example of a singer with literary talent.
> Other published rock singers -- Jim Carroll (Basketball Diaries,
> Entries and award winning poetry, although little of his rock is that
> good), Richard Hell (Go Now, a not bad junkie novel).
I think I qualified my statement/s with something like "that I'm aware of", so I don't claim to have read everything written by a rock/pop singer (& no offence intended to anyone but why would you?) but however many of them there are I'm sure they are a very few - even scarcer than rock singers who can act.And now I'm as off-topic as you can get so I'll just stop there.

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