Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Shamus/Bouchercon

From: Joe Dante (
Date: 20 Sep 2001

At 9/20/01 09:06 AM, Kevin Burton Smith wrote:
>Damn! The Shamus Awards Dinner was cancelled. Could the whole Bouchercon
>be next?

Well, NY is Book Country is cancelled ...

 From yesterday's PW Daily:

Police Cancel New York Is Book Country

PW Daily is sad to report that in the aftermath of last week's attack on the World Trade Center, the New York City Police have requested that organizers cancel New York Is Book Country, scheduled for Sunday, September 23. The literary brunch co-hosted with the New York Times also will not be held.

Linda C. Exman, president and founder of New York Is Book Country, told PW Daily, "We knew that if we had gone on, it wouldn't have been quite the same after the events of last week. But the vast majority of the exhibitors were committed to strike a blow for literature and civilization. It finally came down to the police, and they wrote us a very nice note asking us not to hold it."

Exman noted that although the festival has been cancelled, some related events may still be held. All those planning to attend ticketed or scheduled events should consult the Web site at for details.

Next year's New York Is Book Country is scheduled for September 25-29.

Also, don't go to the NYIBC website (or for more info. Their server is infected with NIMDA and they haven't been able to fix it yet.

Joe D.

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