Re: RARA-AVIS: the voice of hardboiled: after all

Date: 14 Aug 2001

In a message dated 8/13/01 3:48:28 PM, writes:

<< And, apropos of little, after having mostly ignored CRIME STORY when it was

on, I finally watched an episode through a couple of weeks ago...the one

involving the serial murderer...and rarely have I seen a more remarkably,

shall we say, unlikely (tempering my language) storyline as it played out.

And it reminded me why I tended to ignore the series back when. But I'll

take the word of several here that the series definitely has watchable,

non-insulting episodes. >>

The first season of Crime Story was excellent. Like a long novel. But they shot their wad in one year. The second and last year was a sad, sad disappointment. Would not be surprised if the episode in question was one of those.

John Lau

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