RARA-AVIS: The Hard-Boiled School of Cooking

From: Frederick Zackel ( fzackel@wcnet.org)
Date: 29 Jul 2001

First you take an alley cat -- one that's been down some mean streets -- then slap him around until he's unconscious (i.e., "falls into the inky abyss".) Then stuff him into a Dutch (Schultz) oven and boil him too long. Save the leftovers for future meals.

Tomorrow, Kitty Fricasse. Day after Tomrrow: Kitty and Rice. After that: Cat Casserole.

(With apologies to Larry Block, who said there are only two types of mysteries: Those with a cat and those without a cat.)

Oh yes, all you cozy lovers: I AM JUST KIDDING!

(No animal was actually hurt in the writing of this parody. A couple of mooks, however, got scrambled.)

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