RARA-AVIS: Buyers & sellers

From: Moorich2@aol.com
Date: 18 Apr 2001

Mario wondered why Black Lizard never reprinted some of the early Lawrence Block novels which would have fit nicely into their line. That reminded me that years ago Bill Gault told me that Black Lizard wanted to reprint his Edgar winning first novel DON'T CRY FOR ME but the advance they offered was so low he turned them down. Who knows what books Black Lizard unsuccessfully sought for reprint.

At the time Gault's decision was understandable as his agent had recently sold a bunch of his Callahan novels to Charter and a better offer might have been just around the corner. Turned out it wasn't and DON'T CRY FOR ME was never reprinted. A shame. It would have made a great Black Lizard book.

Richard Moore

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