RARA-AVIS: The Cain Tradition?

From: billha@ionet.net
Date: 28 Feb 2001

Kent Westmoreland reacts to Juri's comment that
"The writers Cain influenced might in the end provide more interesting body of work than those who followed Chandler's work."
> This statement is almost unanswerable because it is one of the most
> uninformed statements I have ever heard/read. I can't imagine any American
> mystery writer of the latter half of the 20th century that wasn't influenced
> by Chandler. Even if they haven't read him, they've been influenced by
> writers who were influenced by him. Even writers like Julie Smith, who work
> appears to have nothing in common with Chandler admits to this.

Believe you are overreacting to Juri's comment. He's not dismissing Chandler as a major influence, but suggesting there is an alternative tradition that can be traced back to Cain. I, for one, would be interested in hearing what this tradition might be, and what writers he (or anyone else) would say are sons and daughters of Cain.

Bill Hagen billha@ionet.net

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