Re: RARA-AVIS: New Hope for the Dead

From: Anders Engwall (
Date: 15 Jan 2001

William Denton:

> Speaking of books, this bit from SIDESWIPE, Hoke #3, cracked me up this
> morning. Hoke finally had his nervous breakdown, and has abandoned his
> family and is trying to simplify his life by managing an apartment
> building on an island, eating chili five times a week and wearing only
> yellow jumpsuits with no underwear.

I'm currently reading THE SHARK-INFESTED CUSTARD and lo and behold, there's a character there in the first part of it that walks around dressed exactly like that -- in a yellow jumpsuit and no underwear.

Now, I can understand dental problems and food as reoccuring themes; all of us eat and some have bad teeth. But *this*?

Btw, in WILD WIVES I noticed the occurence of the word "fuck" in it. How on earth did he get away with that in 1956? No teeth in it, though, and very little food.

/ Anders

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