Re: RARA-AVIS: Spenser....

From: Chris Routledge (
Date: 14 Dec 2000

Juri wrote:

>I've never done that, since I haven't been interested in the books so much as
>to have read the later novels. I think it's fine if Parker and Spenser have
>moved beyond Chandler. Chandler is great, but like you say 1949 is over.
>(Chandler didn't publish anything in 1949, am I right?)

_The Little Sister_ was first published in the UK in 1949, the year the first freeway opened (in California) I believe. Marlowe doesn't actually travel on a freeway (called a 'super-highway') until _Playback_, so it took Chandler a few years to realise 1949 was over, but he did. Actually, Marlowe describes the freeway as a place where he has time to think - a common description of the difference between modern and postmodern travel
(see Thomas Pynchon's _The Crying of Lot 49_ for a good example) - so Chandler also glimpsed the way things were going: the descriptions of Esmeralda/La Jolla in that novel are a further lament for a lost, pre-consumer capitalist past.

Sorry about the rambling - it's a pet subject of mine.

Cheers Chris

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