RE: RARA-AVIS: a question

From: Juri Nummelin (
Date: 16 Nov 2000

On Wed, 15 Nov 2000, Mark Sullivan wrote:

> While not taking a stand on the overall debate over whether or not
> Yojimbo is drawn from Red Harvest (I haven't read it recently enough to
> be sure whether or not it goes beyond surface resemblances), I think
> it's pretty clear that Kurosawa had some knowledge of American crime
> novels. He filmed Ed McBain's King's Ransom (as High and Low in the
> US).

The McBain novel was a contemporary one, while Hammett's wasn't. Not that makes any difference, but it's more likely that "King's Ransom" was translated into Japanese in the sixties (the movie is from 1963) than
"Red Harvest" in the fifties. But I sure don't know about the Japanese translations of American crime fiction - when did they start publishing them?

Having said this, Kurosawa showed great skill of capturing the film noir mood in his "Hungry Dog" ("Nora Inu", is it "Stray Dog" in English?) which is from 1948.


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