RARA-AVIS: HandHeldCrime Issue 7 now available

From: Victoria Esposito-Shea ( victoria@esposito-shea.com)
Date: 07 Nov 2000

The seventh issue of HandHeldCrime is now available featuring an introduction by and an exclusive interview with noir author Vicki Hendricks as well as original fiction by Ray Nayler, J.W. Swain, and Scott Wolven.

You can download the issue or, if you don't have a handheld computer, you can read it directly from the Web at: http://www.handheldcrime.com/issues/index.html

As ever, Jamey and I look forward to your feedback and comments. Subscription information may be found at www.handheldcrime.com and questions may be directed to Jamey and me at info@handheldcrime.com

Best, Vicky

Victoria Esposito-Shea Editor-in-Chief and Co-Founder HandHeldCrime http://www.handheldcrime.com/

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