RARA-AVIS: Recent purchases

From: William Denton ( buff@pobox.com)
Date: 30 Sep 2000

The book sale season has hit the colleges at the University of Toronto, and I was at two this week. I didn't see much hardboiled in with the mysteries, and no stacks of Gold Medals, but I found some good stuff:

- Four Travis McGees I don't have, which I need to fill in gaps: A DEADLY SHADE OF GOLD, A PURPLE PLACE FOR DYING, THE LONG LAVENDER LOOK and THE DREADFUL LEMON SKY.

- OPERATION OVERKILL (a British, renamed, edition of THE NAME OF THE GAME IS DEATH) by Dan J. Marlowe.

- I CAN"T STOP RUNNING, Edward S. Aarons, not a Durell story.

- DEAD SKIP, Joe Gores, the first DKA book.

- ANATOMY OF A KILLER, Peter Rabe. I haven't read anything by Rabe yet.

- COCAINE AND BLUE EYES, by fellow bird Fred Zackel. I read Mr. Zackel's remembrance of Ross Macdonald a few days ago, and discovered that he'd written this (which I only knew as an O.J. Simpson movie I'd never seen). This afternoon I saw it between a Ngaio Marsh book and one of those serial killer bestsellers. The Boston Globe said, "A fresh new writer in the Ross MacDonald tradition!" Ross MacDonald said, "Powerful ... I recommend it with pleasure!" Time said, "A spectrum of sex, aging flower children, Mafia money, houseboat life in Sausalito, booze, barbituates, bitterness, incest and greed ... as nerve-rattling as a full-throttle auto chase!"

- A beat-up Dell mapback edition of THE CONTINENTAL OP, by Hammett. Has four stories and an intro by "Ellery Queen." The map is of downtown San Francisco and pinpoints locations used in three of the stories, including "Fly Paper," which has that classic first line, "It was a wandering daughter job." I like the mapbacks.

There were a dollar each, and a Canadian one at that.


William Denton : Toronto, Canada : http://www.miskatonic.org/ : Caveat lector.

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