RARA-AVIS: Re: Hard-boiled Cartoons (No, really!) (Oh, yes, yes!)

From: Juri Nummelin ( jurnum@utu.fi)
Date: 20 Sep 2000

On Wed, 20 Sep 2000, Kevin Burton Smith wrote:

> One immediately comes to mind. BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES of
> just a few years ago. I watched it with my kids. 30-minute episodes,
> highly stylized, with a neo-retro vibe (computers, blimps, ray guns,
> cars with running boards), and an often dark, almost noirish feel to
> it. Big, bold and cartoonish enough for kids, yet subtle and
> (surprisingly) psychologically complex enough to appeal to adults
> willing to meet it halfway.

The original Batman was also very dark and noir-like in its imagery and plotlines.


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