RE: RARA-AVIS: Re: Those were the days

From: Chris Routledge (
Date: 10 Sep 2000

Mark wrote:

>The difference isn't whether or not the society within the book exists
>or existed, but how the society deals with the murder and its aftermath.
>Hardboiled gives the impression of being about more than a simple
>puzzle, of murder and crime making lasting impressions.

Except that unlike in a classic western, the society is never changed for the better - in that sense the murder means nothing at all.

>". . . but you must not take a polemic piece of writing like my own
>article from Atlantic [The Simple Art of Murder, from which the above
>quote was pulled] too literally. I could have written a piece of
>propaganda in favor of the English dertective story just as easily. All
>polemic writing is over-stated. The instant you admit that both sides
>in a controversy may be right, you have thrown away your whole

Quite. You think Chandler was in the debating team at Dulwich?

Cheers Chris

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