RE: RARA-AVIS: One hell of a weekend

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 07 Sep 2000

Mathew asked:

"is there hardboiled poetry??"

Baudelaire's Les Fleurs du Mal? Gunrunner Arthur Rimbaud's A Season in Hell? Michael Madsen's Burning in Paradise?

"recently visiting nyc found Clarence Cooper, Jr. reissue in the Strand and am now ploughing through the old school books series. (don't know what i'll do when i'm finished the whole series.)"

There is a large overlap between the US Old School line and the UK Payback Press (, but I think the latter offers several more titles than the former, including all of Chester Himes's Coffin Ed and Gravedigger Jones books in three volumes.

Most of these authors have other books which have not been reprinted, but are getting increasingly hard to find in used book stores. Also, let me recommend Nathan Heard. His Howard Street is just great, best described (I think in the fanzine Forced Exposure) as "if Hubert Selby had written for Holloway House."

Speaking of Old School, has anyone heard anything more about Marc Gerald's new publishing venture (with Wesley Snipes)? I keep looking for Street Sweeper by Ronin Ro, which was supposed to be the first of their titles, but can't find any recent mention of it.


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