Re: RARA-AVIS: Marlowe as racist?

From: eddie hermanson (
Date: 06 Sep 2000

terveet kadet is a great finnish punk band

>From: Juri Nummelin <>
>Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: Marlowe as racist?
>Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 11:15:38 +0300 (EET DST)
>On Tue, 5 Sep 2000, Anders Engwall wrote:
> > > In the fifties Finnish translations of "The Long Goodbye" they left
> > > the scene where Marlowe resents some Finnish client for being ugly and
> > > misbehaving.
> > Was it really in "The Long Goodbye"? I remember the scene,
> > but somehow my memory says it was in "The High Window" or
> > "The Little Sister".
>I should say it was "The Long Goodbye", but I'm not so sure now. I'll
>check when I get home.
> > Anyway, Chandler must have had some sort of special
> > relation to Finland, since there is also a Finnish
> > hotel detective in "Playback". That makes it two out
> > of seven novels that have Finnish characters, albeit
> > minor ones. What were the odds, considering the
> > (presumably very low) number of finns living in L.A.
> > in the fifties?
>Don't forget Albert Salmi (since we discussed Sam Peckinpah - Salmi
>plays one of the bandits in "The Wild Bunch"). But to get more serious,
>Chandler writes in one of his charming letters that he received ten
>copies of the Finnish translations of "Lady in the Lake", the first
>Chandler to be translated, and makes some notions about the Finnish
>language. Maybe it was so funny to him that he wanted to include Finnish
>characters into his books. But isn't there in "Red Harvest" a thug
>called Pete Finn or something like that? I'll write an essay: "An
>Influence of Finnish Language and Finnish Folk Nature as Imposed on Hard
>Boiled Literature, seen from the Viewpoint of Postfeminist
> > ObOffTopic: it's not clear who was the first to record
> > "I'm Not Your Stepping Stone". There's even a third
> > contender; The W.C. Fields Memorial Electric String
> > Band. Well, at least they get bonus points for their
> > name.
>They certainly do. Smack, a Finnish Stooges-wannabe band who tried to
>make it big in the US back in the eighties, also recorded it.
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