Re: RARA-AVIS: RE:Rough Draft etc

From: pabergin (
Date: 07 Aug 2000

JIm, Jim Hall's best, if you've not already read it, is GONE WILD. The White boys
(Rayon and Orlon) are two of the most chilling villains ever to creep (and I do mean creep) across a page.

Sylvie, the androgens villainess of MEAN HIGH TIDE, ain't half bad either.

Hall's one of the best out there. Try BONES OF CORAL. He's got quite a tag team there. Dougie, a psychopath with no pain threshold, and his inamorata Elmira, a female sadist.

You've lucked onto one of the very best HB thriller writers working today.

Enjoy!!! PB

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