Re: RARA-AVIS: re: Pelecanos quote

From: Ned Fleming (
Date: 29 Jun 2000

Mario Taboada wrote:

> Pat (something or other wrote):
> <<Pelecanos' novel, "The Big Blowdown" has had a very strong effect on me. I
> am so impressed by the book that I would like someone to look at it
> seriously as a very important fictional account of the immigrant experience
> in the United States.>>
> I agree. It made a big impression on me, too. Pelecanos is an ambitous writer
> in the best sense of the word. The Big Blowdown is a big canvas with a heart
> behind it. I would recommend it not just to mystery fans but to anyone looking
> for a stirring read.

PW = Potty Water

Pelecanos's "The Big Blowdown" is a steaming pot of unreadable PW. One of the most agonizing books ever written, which is a feat, in and of itself, I suppose. Reading this book is like having your brain drawn out through your nose. Or having all your teeth pulled on the same day. Don't bother with it. It's on par with any of the dreadfully dull Lehanes.

Oh, hey!, has anybody seen the "Croupier" movie? I've heard it was genuine noir, complete with a femme fatale, voice-over narration, a nihilistic, cynical zeitgeist, filmed inside, and a twisty-turny ending. It was directed by the fellow (Hodges?) who did "Get Carter" and "The Terminal Man."

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