Re: RARA-AVIS: What is this REALLY about?

From: Jess Nevins (
Date: 28 May 2000 wrote:

> In a message dated 5/27/00 8:21:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Junkies aren't hard boiled (except maybe in fiction) but,
> like all the whores I've ever known, deeply damaged. But this isn't
> crime fiction; these are victims, not avengers. ( I'm talking real life.) >>
> Their whole lifestyle is against the law, how can a story about a junkie
> or a prostitute not be crime fiction? You could argue that they're more noir
> than hardboiled, but I don't think you can say they're not hardboiled.
> They're just not private detectives.

She -did- say she was talking about junkies and prostitutes in real life, rather than stories about them.

I've known a few junkies and a few...well, they weren't street hookers, but their affections were negotiable. Any fiction based on them wouldn't be hardboiled; simply committing a crime does not make on hardboiled. It'd be something between tragedy and farce. Maybe there are prostitutes and junkies out there whose lives fit neatly into the noir or hardboiled categories. I haven't met them, though, and based on the ones I've known, I'd have a hard time believing that they were either noir or hardboiled, as I define them.


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