RARA-AVIS: In-Reply-To: <200005220217.VAA1673989@smtppop2.gte.net>

From: Bill Crider ( abc@wt.net)
Date: 21 May 2000

I've just been re-reading a book called (in its hardcover edition) DEADFALL. It was written by Keith Laumer, and I have the paperback, retitled FAT CHANCE, which was also the title of the movie starring Michael Caine. The book was written around 1971 (I don't know whether that's before or after the death of the hardboiled novel), and it's one of the best pastiches of Chandler around. It would stack up very well against Howard Browne, I think. And if you don't think Laumer was onto the joke, the p.i.'s name is Joe Shaw. I've never seen the movie, though I'd like to.

Bill Crider

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