Re: RARA-AVIS: Are they still talking about definitions?

From: Mark Blumenthal (
Date: 28 Apr 2000

Our leader wrote,.
> After we read Gores' INTERFACE, some people recommended 32 CADILLACS, one
> of this DKA novels. I just finished it, and it's a great romp. It's in
> the light vein of the Dortmunder or Burglar books, but I liked it much
> more than any entry I've read in those two series. There's a big cast of
> characters, repo men and Gypsies, and they're pulling short cons and long
> cons left and right, stealing cars from suckers or each other, tripping
> over each other, moving fast, and all winding up in Stupidville, Ohio.
> It's a blast.
I agree and according to Gores the basic facts are true. With it Gores expands the scope of his fairly grim his DKA repo men procederals.

 It's another book where Westlake and Gores have their character make brief appearances in each others books. The parallel Dortmunder book is Drowned Hopes which is by far my favorite in the Dortmunder series. I guess the Gores - Westlake/ Start friendship is long -lasting , Did people notice Interface's dedication? "For that Stark villain, Parker -- because he's such a beautiful human being" Mark

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