RARA-AVIS: madhouse/baseball

From: Mark Blumenthal ( blumenidiot@21stcentury.net)
Date: 24 Apr 2000

Jason Boog:
> how much I loved the chapters set in the mental hospital. Ross
MacDonald's Drowning
> Pool and Ellroy's Because the Night both had great mental hospital-related
> settings as well. Does anybody have any favorite hardboiled books with
> similar places?

The first of the Bill Crane books, Murder in the Madhouse is not really a favorite, but it might interest you. In one of Donald Hamilton's Matt books, Matt Helm is held in an asylum, for a while, but he escapes fairly quickly.

Totally unrelated to this, when looking for the Latimer book I found The Rundown by James Magnuson.Someone earlier was asking about hard boilef baseball books. This fits the bill, but I've never seen anything else by the author and I don't remember it. It was copyright in 1977. Mark

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