RARA-AVIS: Kurosawa CorrectionDear Bob Toomey Thanks for the clarification on the Kurosawa films I mis-referenced. Very great, detailed, precise, and lean post. Now in which film did Kurosawa insist that an actual castle be built without metal nails in order to sat

From: Keith Alan Deutsch ( keithdeutsch@earthlink.net)
Date: 21 Apr 2000

Dear Bob Toomey

Thanks for the clarification on the Kurosawa films I mis-referenced. Very great, detailed, precise, and lean post. Now in which film did Kurosawa insist that an actual castle be built without metal nails in order to satisfy his own need for authenticity? Not a joke question. I

think it must have been Throne of Blood--which I've seen (the Macbeth inspired film). I did not see the film you referenced by K with the tall and short comic characters Lucas said inspired him.

Although I got my film reference wrong for Lucas' public statement of influence, that error does not affect my main point about the difficulty

of drawing conclusions about what works may have inspired other works--ie Red Harvest & let's say the Willis' film, "Last Man Standing." Has anyone seen the Musashi film trilogy? I only saw the first film. The others have been difficult for me to track down.

on another note: Just picked up ACE ATKINS Crossroad Blues and I love it. Again, I recommend Peter Meyer's CAN'T YOU HEAR THE WIND HOWL film on Robert Johnson--on DVD WinStar. Robert Mugge's film for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Museum HELLHOUNDS ON MY TRAIL DVD Winstar has some interesting historical info, a lot of Johnson's music played by contemporary artists, but isn't up to Meyer's flick--although I recognize their intentions were entirely different.

Thanks again Bob,

Keith keithdeutsch@earthlink.net

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