Re: RARA-AVIS: Hardboiled This & That

From: a.n.smith (
Date: 19 Apr 2000

Bunker's Dog Eat Dog is a caper story. (I have ED of a Felon, but it's on the summer backburner for now)

> How about How Late It Was, How Late by James Kelman?

I've heard it called "apocalyptic". Thing about these Scot writers now
(Kelman, Alan Warner, Welsh), very very hardboiled attitudes, very dark, very noir, obviously influenced by HB, but in a category all it's own.

On sort of the same track: One good thing about Brit Noir lately is they took an American form, spun and tweaked it, and gave it back to us with a bit of originality (like the Beatles and Stones did with American Blues), and now, we have to take what they give us, and top *that*.

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