RARA-AVIS: re Pelecanos, Geography

From: Sinclair, Jim ( SinJim@topnz.ac.nz)
Date: 18 Apr 2000

Mea Culpa - Nick Stephanos is the P.I. in George Pelecanos's books I had in mind. Now, Geography - Its interesting to note that certain cities are appropriated as bases for the HB/noir genre- LeHane's Boston; Pelecanos's D.C.; Ellman's L.A. Hiassen's Florida etc, etc. although there has been diversification into the rural and tropical climes as of late. Whilst toughness is not the prerogative of the urban, it is arguable that noir is more suited to the metropolis. I tend to associate gothic with the countryside. Now who does Chicago?, Seattle? The association of a writer with a particular locale does characterise the story. What would be interesting would be to correlate the works of writers with their particular cities and see how they evoked a sense of place.

Jim S.

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