RARA-AVIS: Dog Racing in Kent Harrington

From: Mbdlevin@aol.com
Date: 14 Apr 2000

Brad writes:

<< How about greyhound racing? Saw this in todays L. A. Times:
 Rodney Potter, the chief steward of the Australian Greyhound Racing
 Association, admitted he had taken bribes and tampered with drug tests
 Sounds like it has possibilities.

There is tremendous hardboiled, fixed (but not neutered) dog racing in Kent Harrington's Dia De Los Muertos. Calhoun, the protagonist, enjoys a little unwanted doggie upper as well. I think Dennis McMillan is coming out with Harrington's third pretty soon. Last I'd heard no paperback publisher picked up Muertos, which is a damn shame.

The Third Doug (alphabetically)

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