RARA-AVIS: Re: Arden / Three Investigators

From: southpaw@altavista.net
Date: 01 Apr 2000

> > Under the William Arden name he wrote numerous books in the childrens'
> > series 'Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators.' That series,
> > which is still popular in Germany (?!) has been left fallow in the U.S.,
> It's still popular in Finland as well, but it seems (haven't checked) that
> they only reprint the Robert Arthur books.

Arden wrote the following 'Three Investigators' books, info courtesy of a German/English fan site located at
< http://santana.uni-muenster.de/Linguistik/user/feddes/ddf/threeinv.html

The Mystery of The Moaning Cave (1968) The Mystery of The Crooked Cat (1970) The Mystery of The Shrinking House (1972) The Secret of Phantom Lake (1973) The Mystery of The Dead Man's Riddle (1974) The Mystery of The Dancing Devil (1976) The Mystery of The Headless Horse (1977) The Mystery of The Deadly Double (1978) The Mystery of Shark Reef (1979) The Mystery of The Purple Pirate (1982) The Mystery of The Smashing Glass (1984) The Mystery of Wrecker's Rock (1986)
[Crimebusters 1 series] Hot Wheels (1989)

There used to also be a fan site at <http://www.rockybeach.com>. I think it went down a few weeks ago, but it may be back up.

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