RARA-AVIS: More questions about books

From: Doug Bassett ( dj_bassett@yahoo.com)
Date: 16 Feb 2000

Just picked up a handful of titles at the local Goodwill. Anyone know anything about any of these?

MR LUCKY -- Albert Conroy. From the front cover: "The handsome hard-hitting man-about-town who plays for the highest stakes of all -- life and death". I got this
'cause it's a Dell First Edition, in my opinion a fairly reliable line.

THE KIND MAN -- Helen Nielsen. Know the author, of course, but not the book.

THE WOMAN HE WANTED -- Daoma Winston From the front cover: "She begged for his brutal caresses". Actually, now that I look at it, this looks more like sleaze than hb. Another great line from the front: "Stell lived and loved like an animal -- A carnivorous beast!"

STAMPED FOR MURDER -- Ben Benson. "She thought any cop had a price -- even Wade Paris." This was published by Pennant Books, a paperback line I've never heard of.

As always, thanks! doug

===== Doug Bassett dj_bassett@yahoo.com
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