Re: RARA-AVIS: Kiss The Highway

From: Juri Nummelin (
Date: 27 Jan 2000

On Wed, 26 Jan 2000, Paul Duncan wrote:

> <<I haven't seen any comment on intertextual connections between "Lost
> Highway" and "Kiss Me Deadly", which are pretty obvious to me. Are they
> obvious to anyone else?>>
> You're right Juri. They are obviously connected. Sometimes stating the
> obvious is needed.

Well, this seems like a battle call. In "Kiss Me Deadly" the house on the beach blows up, in "Lost Highway" the house on the sand
(beach?) gets reconstructed through a blow. In "Kiss Me Deadly" Mike Hammer knows this Greek guy, is it Nick, who is a car mechanic. In "Lost Highway" this Balthazar Getty guy is also a car mechanic and he gets mingled up with gangsters who drive around in fast cars. Bill Pullman plays jazz, Mike Hammer is a jazz fan. And as my friend pointed out, Bill Pullman looks just a little bit like Ralph Meeker

There were also other connections, but since it's been over two years when I last saw "Lost Highway", they don't come to mind. But I remember that there were also connections with Maya Deren's avantgarde classic
"Meshes of the Afternoon". These might seem little vague or shallow connections, but they are there.


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