RARA-AVIS: Re: childhood detectives

From: Paul Hartshorne ( paul@day1.demon.co.uk)
Date: 06 Jan 2000

While on the subject of detective books for kids, anyone remember a book called (I think) FIVE CLUES TO THE DRAGON. No idea who wrote it, but it was my first mystery. I was about 7 when I read it (that's 1971) here in the UK. It's about a gang of kids who, as the title suggests, have to solve the mystery by deciphering five clues.

Thanks, Paul

stephen holden wrote:
>Can any rara-avians help? I remember reading a series of sub-Hardy Boys
>mysteries when I was 9 or 10. They featured 3 or 4 boys, one of whose
>fathers owned a junkyard which contained a caravan that was their base.
>They travlled around in a gold-plated Rolls Royce, the use of which they'd
>won in a competition. I think the series was set in California, and I'm
>sure Alfred Hitchcok came into it somewhere.

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