RARA-AVIS: Crimetime (was Woolrich)

Peter Walker (pw@pw.cablenet.co.uk)
Mon, 13 Dec 1999 11:10:43 +0000

Crimetime.... The Xmas bumper edition is out and about now - or soon. Our very own Ed 'The Man' Duggan gets in there with a bit on Woolrich I for one am impressed - and not only with the fact he didn't mention it here! There is loads on our favourite authour Micky Spillane - interview, retrospective and film stuff - all great. Carrol Ann Davis, Andrew Klavan and Sparkle Hyter all get in there. There are interviews with Dibdin, Hawes, Newman, Leon, Jack O'Connell and Law Block. And if this isn't enough there are extracts and shorts from Mark Timlin (his sort of si fi venture), Russell James, Ken Bruen, Parker and Ed Gorman. Plus all the usual features - reviews, Tv, Film etc and columns from various writers. But there is nowt from me -which you may view as either a good or bad thing. So go and get it. Pete

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