Re: RARA-AVIS: John Tiger and E.S. Gardner

John Woolley (
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 08:44:37 -0700 (MST)

Juri Nummelin wrote:
> And one more question: is there a Ed Jenkins short story with a name
> something like "Two One Dollar Bills"?

I answered:
> There is no Ed Jenkins story (at least by Gardner) with a title
> anything like that. The only ones whose titles look like they
> might refer to currency are "New Twenties" (Black Mask, April
> 1934) and "Hot Cash" (Black Mask, November 1934).

Juri now asks:
> "New Twenties" doesn't sound right. What happens in "Hot Cash" and who
> are the other characters besides Jenkins?

And I answer, I haven't a clue. As far as I can tell, "Hot Cash" has never been anthologized, and I don't have a copy of the Black Mask it was in. (Incidentally, and confusingly for bibiographers, there was another Gardner story called "Hot Cash", this one starring Lester Leith, in Detective Fiction Weekly, 23 May 1931 -- not the only time Gardner reused a title.)

-- Fr. John Woolley

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