RARA-AVIS: Van de Wetering

Mon, 19 Jul 1999 09:39:25 -0500

In response to query about Janwillem van de Wetering, I like his novels quite a lot, though I'm not sure I'd call them exactly hardboiled or noir. They center around two Dutch police detectives and the commissar (I believe that's how its spelled; I'm away from my books right now) who floats above them as a sort of Zen master. Janwillem spent a fair amount of time in serious study of Zen while living in Japan. His intellectual concerns are Oriental philosophy and European nihilism, and his books are, therefore, pretty bleak for some tastes. So I guess the existential nature of his work makes it at least a first cousin of the hardboiled/noir school.

By the way, his two classic memoirs of Zen training, THE EMPTY MIRROR and GLIMPSE OF NOTHINGNESS, have at long last been brought back to print over the past two or three months. His new follow up to those two books, AFTERZEN, is in bookstores now.


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