Re: RARA-AVIS: Jones

Jerry Buck (
Sat, 10 Jul 1999 22:08:16 -0700

> > > Its unfortunate that such a lyrical and complicated creation as
> > > should have been represented on screen by a self-absorbed hambone

    Actually, I was quoting someone else who said that. I wasn't that kind.

> But it is the "description" that makes the Burke writing so endearing. I
> think In the Electric Mist with the Confederate Dead could have been
> called the Book of Colors. And that doesn't transfer well to the screen,

    It would be even more endearing if he ever told a complete story. The Electric Mist was nonsense about ghosts. If he wants to substitute New Age hokus-pokus for good story telling, okay, but don't try to convince me he writes good mysteries.

    Jerry Buck

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