RARA-AVIS: Garnethill....

Peter Walker (pw@pw.cablenet.co.uk)
Mon, 28 Jun 1999 09:38:42 +0000

...by Denise Mina was mentioned a few days ago and I have just finished reading it. I can report that it its well worth looking onto.I thought - especially for a first book - that this was a damn good read. It draws you in - slowly at first - but stokes up the paranoia nicely with a few twists and a good bit of gore. The central character is believable: her mental health "problems" are portrayed well, as are the Police, Galsgow locations etc. If the mark of a good book is to get you emotionally involved then this is indeed good. Check it out. Peter You have the right no to be killer. Murder is a crime. Unless, of course, you area Policeman. Know Your Rights - The Clash

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