RARA-AVIS: Richard Hallas

Fred Willard (fwillard@bellsouth.net)
Wed, 21 Apr 1999 20:59:41 -0400 I recently received a interesting email from Elizabeth Cowan, the
grandaughter of Eric Knight who, writing as Richard Hallas, authored _You
Play the Black and the Red Comes Up_. She picked up my name from a
Rara-Avis archive discussing this book.

Here are the other books he wrote:
Lassie Come-Home (made into movie starring Roddy McDowell and Elizabeth
Song on Your Bugles,
This Above All (made into movie starring Tyrone Power and Joan Fontaine),
The Happy Land,
The Flying Yorkshireman
Invitation to Life

She also included this URL which further explains his career and the events
surrounding his death.


I hope this will contribute to understanding his life and work.

Down on Ponce a novel by Fred Willard
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