RARA-AVIS: Willeford Tully article

Sat, 17 Apr 1999 12:57:52 EDT MT writes:

<< Thanks to Bill Denton for the update on Dennis MacMillan and Willeford.
The latter's article on Jim Tully is characteristically lucid and
beautifully written. Willeford was a natural writer and an original. His
death was an irreparable loss to American letters. >>

I would agree that the the Tully article was great fun. As an underemployed,
regular job-avoiding, sometime writer, library habitue, I was a little
nervous about this sentence: "Road kids, professional criminals, dope
addicts, radio announcers, writers, and other society misfits who are
constitutionally unable or unwilling to hold a regular job, spend many
fruitful hours in public libraries." I'm keeping this article hidden from my
wife; she knows I'm not a radio announcer or a road kid, and is ambivalent
about my writing.

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