Re: RARA-AVIS: Critics again....

Mari Hall (
Sun, 04 Apr 1999 14:33:41 -0500 Bill Hagen wrote:
> better plots?) Anyway, are there any critics-reviewers of mystery/crime fiction TODAY that should command our regular attenton?
If so, where do they publish?

Well, at the risk of being kicked off this list, it ain't Harriet
Klausner. There I had to say it and thank you I do feel better.
But I can tell you where they are, check out the George Easter
publication Deadly Pleasures. When Barry Gardner was reviewing I could
tell you that my ideas and his would almost be parallel.

One of the problems with "reviewing" today is that some of the reviewers
are also writers (Stephen Hunter comes to mind, but he reviews music I
understand). But Paula Woods wrote wonderful reviews of mystery fiction
and now that she's an author she may not be doing that again.

The local newspaper only reviews Texana, short story collections and
Dallas authors (God forbid they would review Bill Crider, although come
to think of it, they may have).

from Mari Hall
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