RARA-AVIS: Oldies not so goodies

M-T (matrxtech@sprintmail.com)
Mon, 29 Mar 1999 10:40:11 -0500 It's time to recite the "what have you been reading" list. I would like
to mention two oldies, the first a re-read and the second a first read.

Fredric Brown's _The Fabulous Clipjoint_ retains all its freshness; he
does a superb job with characterization, and the plot is interesting and
plausible. One of his best works.

David Goodis's _The Burglar_ struck me overall as a mess, despite a good
first third. Its ending is pure melodramatic trash. The cover blurbs say
that there was a 1957 movie with Jayne Mansfield and Dan Duryea; has
anyone seen it and is it any good? It is curious that Gladden, the girl
in the novel, is repeatedly described as very small and skinny, whereas
Jayne Mansfield, well...


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