RE: RARA-AVIS: Product Placement

Bill Hagen (
Fri, 8 Jan 1999 23:54:14 -0600 (CST) Hey AD. You wrote:

>I think you're going to have a fairly intensive search to find out that warm
>Dr. Pepper equals the mountainous areas of Virginia ... look at warm beer
>... it's equated to the whole of Europe while it's mainly a British taste.

Agree with the point. In fact, I should've said, more clearly, that given the
changing identities of products, one can't just drop the name in, without
some descriptive or identifying context. The product is woven into a
fictional world.

Apart from that, I didn't do a very good job in setting up the Dr. Pepper
reference either. In certain parts of the South, they would actually warm
up Dr. Pepper, drink it like hot chocolate. Didn't mean to imply a room
temperature drink.

Probably have run this thread into the ground (to switch metaphors in
Dunno about the rest of you, but I actually plan to start saying a thing or
two about the Chandler stories in "Simple Art..." Hope we can get some
discussion going!

Bill Hagen

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