Re: RARA-AVIS: Block Pseudonyms

Mark Sullivan (
Sat, 5 Dec 1998 22:02:17 -0500 (EST) Last time I went down to the Library of Congress, I went up to the
copyright card catalog to check for pseudonyms of Lawrence Block and
Donald E. Westlake. Here are some names I found:

Block: Paul Kavanagh and Chip Harrison do seem to be the only
mystery-related names (although, did Markham: the Case of the
Pornographic Photos, reprinted as Coward's Kiss originally carry Block's
name?). He wrote soft-core under the name Sheldon Lord and
pseudo-doctor books about sex trends under the name John Warren Wells.
He also wrote books as Jill Emerson, Liz Crowley and Lesley Evans. Now
many of these pseudonyms have numerous books, only a few of which are
definitely identified as Block. So this is what I asked Block, are all
of the books by these names his or were they house pseudonyms? As I
noted, he chose not to"confirm or deny." I tend to think they were
written by many authors, but since most are not identified it's hard to
tell which are definitely his.

Westlake: he wrote a number of Monarch sex books as Edwin West. Now to
show you just how inexact this information is, I have read that Alan
Marshall was a Westlake soft-core pen name (there is one book listed as
co-written by Marshall and Sheldon Lord), but it is not identified in
the copyright card catalog as a pseudonym. Given that many (all?) of
these were probably works for hire, with the copyright owned by the
publisher, there was little reason to be very meticulous about recording
the true author on the form. As a matter of fact, many names that have
been confirmed were not initially identified as pen names, including
Block's Kavanagh and Westlake's Tucker Coe, Thomas J. Culver, Curt Clark
and J. Morgan Cunningham.


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