RARA-AVIS: I Was Dorra Suarez (Donna?)

Terry Pogue (tpogue@idsonline.com)
Sun, 8 Nov 1998 12:31:33 -0500 >>On Fri, 6 Nov 1998, E J M Duggan wrote:
>>: So, Derek Raymond: the darkest corner of Brit Noir, proves too tough
>>: for rara-avis.
>>Hey, I'm no wimp. I didn't say it was the violence itself I couldn't
>>take, but that the style Raymond has didn't grab me. I didn't like
>>Ellis' _American Psycho_ (another very violent book) either, for the
>>same reasons.

I found the book to be too sexually violent. I have no trouble with
violence as such but when it's so intertwined with sex I find that
offensive. Give me Pulp Fiction any day. I *loved* the humor. And the rape
scene didn't bother me.
MarkS. taped the book from his CD for me. I haven't seen it in print or in
audiobook (taped) format.
delurking for just a moment
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