Re: Who's Harold Adams? (was Re: RARA-AVIS: Clancy)

MT (
Thu, 10 Sep 1998 23:17:33 -0500 Harold Adams is a veteran writer (now in his mid seventies) who has
written a wonderful series of hardboiled novels featuring Carl Wilcox,
an ex-cop turned itinerant worker-bum-detective in the Midwest. These
stories take place in the thirties, an era that is beautifully and
laconically evoked by Adams.

By way of incipit, here is the opening of his _A Perfectly Proper
Murder_, the most recent one I've read (I think there are two more):

I was born and raised in Corden, a town of 1,351 people, and have always
been most comfortable in places that size. There are thirty-two burgs
between one thousand and two thousand in the state, so I figured if I
worked steady and moved often, I could paint signs in every one of them
before winter.

That's how I came to be in Podunkville when Basil Ecke got smacked in
the kisser with a metal rod that caught him under the nose and on the
rise, knocking that little bone up into his brain like a dart and
killing him quick as an icepick in the ear.

Apologies to those who dislike long posts - for reasons unrelated to
harboiled literature, I have been quite interested in incipits, and I
just let my mind go whichever way it wanted. By the way, the state to
which Wilcox refers above is South Dakota. Apparently, Carl Wilcox is
based on an eccentric uncle of Adams's.


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