Re: RARA-AVIS: Are you experienced?

Ned Fleming (
Fri, 07 Aug 1998 02:01:03 GMT On 06 Aug 98 14:36:00 -0400, wrote:

>After all, I'm a policeman, so I'd have at least a few of the above experiences,
>but so what. The purpose of this list is to discuss stories. My professional
>background might give me some perspective on how *convincing* a story is as to
>details (i.e. police procedures, etc.), but that doesn't mean that anyone who
>hasn't is unqualified to comment on HB mysteries, or even write them. Carroll
>Joh Daly, who invented the HB PI, was about as hard-boiled as a raw egg and had
>no actual experience in crime or police work. Mickey Spillane, who did have
>such experiences, still respected Daly as a writer and modeled his Hammer novels
>on Daly's Race Williams series. - Jim Doherty

Jim, I appreciate your perspective. Do you find Willeford's villains
convincing? I don't. Is there a Junior Frenger or a Troy Loudon in my
future? Please tell me "no."

Ned Fleming
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