Re: RARA-AVIS: Unrelated question:Hardboiled Mystery -- the
Fri, 17 Jul 1998 08:06:33 -0400 <<This list, by the way, is a no-cozy zone, in case you didn't know. If
you've grown addicted to them and want to get the monkey off your
back, one each of Hammett, Chandler, Spillane, Thompson, Willeford,
Ellroy and Cain should do it.>>

I dunno, Bill, that might be overmedicating the problem. I'd say a single
dose of Willeford or a Thompson alone would do the trick. A hard-boiled
cocktail of the others together might equal the dosage of one of the

(Ooh, I can't wait to hear the indignation this post will stir up!) - Duane

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