Re: RARA-AVIS: HB nonfiction

William Denton (
Tue, 30 Jun 1998 21:47:18 -0400 (EDT) On Tue, 30 Jun 1998 wrote:

: Here's an example, I think, of hard-boiled nonfiction: Nick Tosches'
: biography of Dean Martin, "Dino". I haven't read the whole thing
: yet, but it's a pretty unflinching look at Martin's private side,
: the story behind that public persona of the lovable lush that marked
: most of his later career.

I didn't read all of _Dino_ too closely, but I did like it. I don't
know what Tosches' style is usually like, but this book reminded me of
Ellroy. Interesting way of doing a bio, and it worked very well.

I'm interested to hear what other books people think of, because I'm
stuck. What kind of topics are appropriate? Biography, crime, music,
politics, things like that, I guess. I can't imagine what a
hardboiled math textbook would be like. Then again, I can think of a
good title for a book on ornithology.


William Denton | Toronto, Canada | | Caveat lector.
            "Let's keep the party polite."

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