RARA-AVIS: William P. McGivern bibliography

William Denton (buff@vex.net)
Sun, 31 May 1998 14:22:31 -0400 (EDT) Hi,

I typed in William P. McGivern's bibliography this aft. He's probably
best known to us for _The Big Heat_, but he did a number of other good

McGivern's wife, Maureen Daly, wrote an etiquette book in 1950 titled
_The Perfect Hostess_. It's dedicated to "Bill, whose enthusiasm as a
host or guest makes any party more fun." I get a big kick out of
these out-of-date etiquette books. Here's a sample, from the "What
Every Young Hostess Should Know" chapter:

"Now, let's consider a Sunday brunch as a gay solution to your
first-party problem. Ask about six people to drop in any time between
noon and three o'clock of a lazy Sunday. Give them tall glasses of
chilled orange juice to start things off. Then invite all the guests
out to your spick-and-span new kitchen to pitch in while you and your
husband whip up scrambled eggs and little, grilled pork
sausages.... Before you know it, you'll be nominated as the brightest
young hostess in town!"

Quite a difference from Lillian Hellman.

The URL is:

<URL: http://www.vex.net/~buff/rara-avis/biblio/mcgivern.html>

but here's the list of books. I'd be grateful for any corrections
from McGivern fans.

* But Death Runs Faster (Dodd Mead, 1948) (a.k.a The Whispering Corpse)
* Heaven Ran Last (Dodd Mead, 1949)
* Very Cold for May (Dodd Mead, 1950)
* Shield for Murder (Dodd Mead, 1951)
* Blondes Die Young (Dodd Mead, 1952) (as Bill Peters)
* The Crooked Frame (Dodd Mead, 1952)
* The Big Heat (Dodd Mead, 1953)
* Margin of Terror (Dodd Mead, 1953)
* Rogue Cop (Dodd Mead, 1954)
* The Darkest Hour (Dodd Mead, 1954) (a.k.a. Waterfront Cop)
* The Seven File (Dodd Mead, 1956) (a.k.a. Chicago-7)
* Night Extra (Dodd Mead, 1957)
* Odds Against Tomorrow (Dodd Mead, 1957)
* Mention My Name in Mombasa: The Unscheduled Adventures of an
American Family Abroad (Dodd Mead, 1958) (with Maureen Daly)
* Savage Streets (Dodd Mead, 1959)
* Seven Lies South (Dodd Mead, 1960)
* Killer on the Turnpike (Pocket Books, 1961) (short stories)
* The Road to the Snail (Dodd Mead, 1961)
* A Pride of Place (Dodd Mead, 1962)
* Police Special (Dodd Mead, 1962) (omnibus - contains ??)
* A Choice of Assassins (Dodd Mead, 1963)
* The Caper of the Golden Bulls (Dodd Mead, 1966)
* Lie Down, I Want to Talk to You (Dodd Mead, 1967)
* Caprifoil (Dodd Mead, 1972)
* Reprisal (Dodd Mead, 1973)
* Night of the Juggler (Putnam, 1975
* Soldiers of '44 (Arbor Hourse, 1979)
* The Seeing (Tower, 1980) (with Maureen McGivern)
* Summitt (Arbor House, 1982)
* A Matter of Honor (Arbor House, 1984) (completed by Maureen
* War Games (Arbor House, 1984)


William Denton | Toronto, Canada | http://www.vex.net/~buff/ | Caveat lector.
            "Let's keep the party polite."

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