RARA-AVIS: Lou Stathis

Wed, 29 Apr 1998 15:05:32 -0400 Sorry to hear about Lou Stathis. I spoke with him in mid-1996, and by
the end of the year, I was told by his assistant at Marvel's (?) Vertigo
Comics that he would be out for some time due to illness. Stathis had a
tape of his telephone interview with Willeford that he was going to mail
to me, but it never made it. Hard-boiled editor seems a good
description. How are these comics?


>FYI to anyone interested in Lou Stathis editorial work: I recently learned
>that he died last year. I had the opportunity to talk to him once -- I came
>away thinking of him as a sort of hard-boiled editor. He was a nice guy to
>me. -- Duane
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