RARA-AVIS: The Dahlia and Greenleaf

Frank D (bearlodge@email.msn.com)
Mon, 20 Apr 1998 15:47:24 -0700 Anthony Smith seems to have cleared up a question I've had for a long time.
I had heard somewhere that Ellroy's BLACK DAHLIA was based on the murder of
his mother. Anthony's response to others suggests to me that Ellroy took
out some of his frustration when writing the earlier book and perhaps his
own inability at that time to deal with the murder. More recently he has
been able to.

Rick: I was surprised to hear that Stephen Greenleaf was snotty to someone
(at a convention, I presume). During the time that Steve lived Seattle for
a few years, a small group of writers met on occasion to share a few beers
and a tall tale or two, not to mention real lies. I always found Steve to
be friendly and a gentleman. I would have to wonder what set him off to
treat someone otherwise.

Cheers, Frank D.

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