RARA-AVIS: A city that keeps its secrets

Joshua B Lukin (jblukin@acsu.buffalo.edu)
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 03:25:23 -0500 (EST) Dear Bill,
Guy Noir is a Minnesota detective in a series of radio sketches by
Garrison Keillor and his Prairie Home Companion cast. He works out of the
twelfth floor of the Acme building in downtown St. Paul but is originally
from the New England village of Piscacatawamaquoddymoggin. You can get a
compilation of Noir sketches at your local bookstore. I don't think he'll
meet your
standards for what's appropriate for the list: he's not in the print
medium, and he owes more to the old radio comedy of Bob & Ray than to
Chandler or Westlake. But maybe Keillor can be persuaded someday to write
a Guy Noir novel!

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